Staying Safe Around Lead: 4 Tips For Parents

Although lead is no longer commonly used in homes or toys, it is still a big risk for children. Naturally occurring in soil and water, lead poisoning is extremely dangerous for children. Exposure to lead can cause an array of serious health issues, including brain damage. Fortunately, you can protect your children from lead exposure.

Here's four tips to help you keep your children safe, healthy, and free from lead exposure:

1. Have a Watchful Eye

Perhaps the best way to protect your children from coming into contact with lead is by having a watchful eye. Since lead naturally occurs in water and soil, make sure that you always monitor your children while they are playing—and make sure that they do not put any soil in their mouth.

If lead is present in your home, make sure you watch them while they play at home too. Be on the lookout for peeling paint, older toys, and anything that is lead-based to ensure that they do not put it into their mouths.

2. Leave Lead Outdoors

Another way you can reduce lead exposure is to make sure you and your children leave all soil and dirt outdoors. When you come indoors, remove shoes and leave them by the door. Additionally, make sure to wash their hands and faces. You might also consider changing their clothes or giving them a bath, if they are particularly dirty. This simple tactic will help ensure that all traces of lead from outdoor soil is removed.

3. Inspect Your Home

If your home is older, you might want to have it tested for lead. It is possible that your home has lead-based paint. It is also possible that lead is in your tap water, due to piping. So if you are concerned about lead exposure, definitely have your home checked by a professional. They can inform you about any potentially dangerous areas. They can also help you remodel, if you choose to do that.

4. Keep Toys Clean

Finally, make sure that you regularly wash your children's toys. Whether from dust or soil, your children's toys might become contaminated with lead. The best way to keep your child safe in this instance is to wash all toys and pacifiers regularly. Additionally, make sure anything they might put in their mouths are clean too.

Follow these four tips to keep your children safe from the potential dangers that lead presents, and be cautious whenever purchasing lead products.
